
Pupils at the Goldhill Learning Foundation experience the curriculum according to their need. We have a pupil-centered approach to learning and teaching that provides a broad, balanced and flexible curriculum to all pupils. It is our aim to ensure each pupil is happy and successful.

We aim to develop the whole pupil and, deliver traditional academic subjects, and work with pupils in the following ways:

  • Supporting the sensory needs of the pupil; this may be through a sensory approach to the curriculum delivery,

  • Supporting the pupil to access learning using visual communication systems, using signing as a form of communication such as Makaton or BSL,

  • Supporting pupils with their language development through the delivery of speech and language programmes,

  • Using specific approaches such as TEACCH with our pupils who have a diagnosis of autism,

  • Supporting pupils to develop their fundamental movement skills,

  • Using different learning environments and approaches that enable pupils to successfully access their education and to make learning achievable,

  • Address barriers to learning and work through them rather than avoid them,

  • Using a range of strategies to continually support pupils ongoing development.

Wherever possible, we aim to use the local community facilities to develop the experiences, skills and interests of our pupils. This may involve trips to the local shops to work on money skills, or other visits to meet individual’s learning needs. In addition, visitors are encouraged to the school to work with pupils.

Pupils may be directed to follow different learning pathways, based upon their needs.


Connecting And Responding Pathway

This pathway is designed for pupils at the early stages of development who are developing their skills in communication, social interaction, advocacy and citizenship who require a higher level of adult support.

Pupils on this pathway will access a curriculum that enables them to develop positive interactive relationships with others, to explore the world around them and to develop communication and social skills. Structured learning activities alongside pupil led learning focused on enabling pupils to develop their learning skills in order to be able to express a preference, collaborate and cooperate with others. Element of Early Years Foundation Stage, Key Stage 1 or Key Stage 2 curriculum subjects are integrated into learning activities as appropriate to the needs of the individual pupil. Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum includes these prime areas of learning:

  • Communication and language including listening & speaking

  • Physical development

  • Personal, social and emotional development

In addition, these specific areas are a key focus:

  • Literacy including reading and writing

  • Mathematics

  • Understanding the world

  • Expressive arts and design

Staff will use a range of teaching strategies to enable pupils on this pathway to access their learning, including the use of sensory provision, TEACCH methods, Picture Exchange Communication Systems (PECS), and other visual communication systems, for example, Makaton.

Expected outcomes:
This pathway will enable pupils to engage with the world around them with support, regulate themselves safely, communicate to their fullest potential, build relationships, operate functionally within their social world, make supported guided choices, and indicate preferences in relation to elements of their Education Health Care Plan such as friendship and leisure activities.

Learning For Life Pathway

This pathway is designed for pupils who may struggle with managing their own behaviour and self-regulation and require support from adults.

Pupils on this pathway will develop their personal skills through learning that is linked to themes which combine key strands of the national curriculum. A range of structured learning activities alongside specialist support (including communication support), enables pupils to develop their independent learning skills with an emphasis on expressing a preference, collaboration, and cooperation. Opportunities to apply their English, Maths, Science, and other skills in real life situations are created through a thematic approach to learning. Pupils receive a broad and balanced learning experience carefully adjusted to meet their individual needs. The curriculum is an adapted Key Stage 1 or 2 curriculum with pupils learning at the stage that is appropriate for them and is delivered in a style that is suitable to meet the needs of the individual pupil. The National Curriculum includes:

  • English, including reading, as a key focus that is also delivered through every subject. 

  • Mathematics as a core subject

  • Science as a core subject

  • History, Geography & Religious Education is delivered through our Humanities programme

  • Personal development sessions deliver Personal, Social, Health Education, Relationships & Sex Education, Citizenship and Careers Education.

  • Art, Design & Technology, Computing, Physical Education, Languages and Music make up our broader curriculum.

Staff will use a range of teaching strategies to enable pupils on this pathway to access their learning. This may include the use of verbal and visual communication systems, indoor and outdoor learning spaces, access to the local community, visiting speakers, trips, and putting learning into a real-life context.

Expected outcomes:
This pathway will enable pupils to apply a range of skills such as literacy and numeracy, communication, and ICT to engage with the world around them with increased independence. They should be able to demonstrate a level of self-advocacy in relation to elements of their Education Health Care Plan. In addition, pupils will be prepared to access the next stage of their learning journeys through experiencing a broad curriculum base.


At The Goldhill Learning Foundation we want to provide a nurturing space that recognises and celebrates pupil’s success and supports their well-being and self-esteem.

We want our pupils to:

  1. Know about the world they live in.

  2. Access a broad and varied curriculum.

  3. Develop the skills and knowledge to prepare them for the future.

  4. Know how to stay safe.

  5. Meet the needs of every child and be fully inclusive.

We expect pupils to:

  1. Always try their best.

  2. Take pride in their work.

  3. Understand that making mistakes is ok and a part of learning.

  4. Never give up.

  5. Be responsible people.

We want our pupils to leave with the following skills:

  • Communication

  • Cooperation

  • Self confidence

  • Personal safety skills

  • Problem solving

  • Creativity

  • Independence

  • Resilience

  • Tolerance

  • Respect

  • Decision making

  • Functional skills (Literacy, numeracy & digital)

  • Cultural capital

Learning For Life Pathway: Key Stage 1 and 2

  • The intent is to ensure pupils have a solid understanding of basic arithmetic before progressing to more complex concepts. Staff implemented this using hands-on activities and abstract concepts. The impact is measured by pupils' ability to solve numerical problems in a various scenarios.

  • The intent is to develop pupils' reading, writing and communication skills. This is implemented by using a variety of genres and activities across the curriculum. The impact is seen in pupils’ ability to read and comprehend materials across all subject areas and their spelling and writing ability.

  • The intent is to foster curiosity and scientific thinking. This is implemented this by encouraging pupils to observe natural phenomenon in the world around them. The impact will be evident in pupil’s engagement in the world around them.

  • The intent is to help pupils understand the significance of British and global historical events. This is implemented by exploring historical events and developing key skills such as chronological awareness and historical context. The impact will be seen in pupils' ability to describe the key features of different historical periods and events.

  • The intent is to develop pupils' understanding of the world. This is implemented by exploring local and global human and physical geography. The impact will be seen in pupils' increased awareness of global issues.

  • The intent is for pupils to learn about religion to help them understand the world around them. This is implemented by investigating a range of religions and religious activities relating to the Leicestershire Sacre Agreed Syllabus. The impact will be that pupils are able to make links between themselves and other people in their community and the wider worlds culture, beliefs, and lives.

  • The intent is to ensure that pupils have acquired a basic understanding of spoken and written French. This will be implemented through a topic-based approach to lessons using a range of fun and engaging activities. The impact is that pupils will be able to understand and respond to a variety of French sources relating to everyday life.

  • The intent is to encourage creativity and self-expression. This will be implemented by Investigating a variety of topics. The impact is seen in the variety and originality of pupils' artwork and the skills they develop that they could use in later life.

  • The intent is to teach pupils the skills required for the digital era. This is implemented through practical lessons on a variety of topics. The impact is that pupils will be able to safely use computers for a variety of everyday activities, and to support their learning in other subjects.

  • The intent is to expose pupils to different musical genres and instruments. This is implemented by incorporating music appreciation lessons and instrument tutorials. The impact is seen in pupils' ability to identify different musical genres and play basic tunes on various instruments.

  • The intent is to help pupils to understand and prepare them to be a constructive member of society. This will be implemented through exploring a variety of issues in citizenship and Personal Social and Health Education. The impact of will be that pupils are ready to take an active part in society.

  • The intent is to promote physical health and teamwork. This is implemented by incorporating team sports and health education into the curriculum. The impact is seen in pupils improved physical health and teamwork skills.


At The Goldhill Learning Foundation we will

Promote & celebrate success

Promote positivity, wellbeing, happiness, and self-esteem

Provide a broad project-based curriculum that meets the needs of individual learners

Be an active part of our local community

  • Lessons take various formats including independent work, direct teacher led activities, practical activities and outdoor activities.

  • Key functional skills are at the heart of our learning, whilst also enabling pupils to learn in a personalised environment.

  • Learning is based on prior knowledge and works towards clearly defined end points over time. Sequences of lessons are aimed to build knowledge, skills and understanding.  It is based on the National Curriculum, as well as being topic based, purposeful and exciting.


At The Goldhill Learning Foundation pupils will be successful individuals in a variety of ways. We want pupils to have positive memories of their primary school years.

The impact of the school’s curriculum can be seen by the outcomes of individual pupils. Everything we do is child centered, where string relationships are built between pupils and staff, creating a learning atmosphere which is conducive to success.

Pupil’s progress is measured through ongoing topic assessment throughout the year. Assessment for learning is used to help identify misconceptions and gaps in learning to ensure that the curriculum effectively meets the needs of individual pupils.

Connecting And Responding Pathway:
Early Years Foundation Stage

Communication and language: The intent is to ensure pupils have this fundamental core skill, through a language rich environment. Opportunities to develop speaking and listening skills are promoted by staff, through direct teaching, investigation and play. The impact of this is measured by pupils ability to communicate their needs and wants with adults and other children.

Physical development: The intent is to nurture and support pupils desire to be physically active and develop their gross and fine motor skills. The impact of this will be seen as children build their strength, stamina, balance, coordination and dexterity.

Personal, social and emotional development: The intent is to enable children to be able to form positive relationships with adults and promote independent learning. This is underpinned by learning about British Values. The impact of this will be seen in pupils ability to make friends, show respect, stay safe, and understand their own and other people emotions.

Literacy: The intent is to teach the knowledge and skills of early reading and writing and foster a love books and stories. In addition, pupils will have positive attitudes towards writing. The impact of this will be that children will show pleasure in books, and develop their own ways of marking, and letter formation 

Mathematics: The intent is to develop an understanding number, their characteristics and patterns. The impact of this is that pupils can recognise numbers, quantities, shapes and space and solve problems.

Understanding the world: The intent is to explore pupils curiosity about people, places and events to understand the past and present, people, cultures and communities, and the natural world. The impact of this will be to create a sense of appreciation and curiosity about the world, their community and nature.

Expressive arts and design: The intent is to encourage pupils to express themselves, be innovative and imaginative, using a range of materials and tools. The impact will be that children can be creative and express their ideas by planning, designing and making their own creations.